Who We Serve: People Committed to Making a Difference

Are you are an expert, professional or entrepreneur who is committed to making a difference? Do you want to make a positive difference with your clients, make great money, and serve the world by becoming an innovative leader in your profession or industry? If so, then you are the type of person my team and I have been helping since 1983.

Most of our clients feel they have a mission or calling which they are accomplishing through their professional practice or business. They feel they have a purpose in life. Often they feel they have a unique gift to offer, and their practice or business is a vehicle to express that gift in the world. Many of our clients are motivated to become preeminent market leaders in their profession or industry. We help them turn those aspirations into reality.

Our clients are part of the new breed of more enlightened citizens who are committed to integrating their visions and values with their vocations, and with how they do business. We are part of that new breed, too.

Issues Our Clients Face

If you are like many of our clients, you may be facing some of these issues:

    • You want to make an authentic difference, but you need more clients or more income.
    • You have a book, a process, a training concept or a successful business model you’d like to turn into an information publishing and marketing system, in order to make a bigger difference and, in return, create multiple streams of lifelong income.
    • You are a self-employed professional who is getting tired of just providing your services by the session or the day. You want a system that will leverage your knowledge, differentiate you from all your competitors and, ultimately, allow you to retire.
    • You are an entrepreneur who wants to learn the most effective business and marketing systems to grow your business exponentially and maximize your mission.
    • You have a degree of success already, but want to become a preeminent leader in your profession or industry. And you want mentors who can help you get there.
    • You are a leader in your profession or industry. And you are making plenty of money. Now you need trustworthy advisors who can help you take your practice or business and other assets to a whole new level that will create your legacy.

Our programs provide an unsurpassed synthesis of marketing and rare strategies for success, based on our mission and my lifelong quest. This distinctive approach gets significant results, as proven by our clients for more than 40 years. And our programs are backed by my firm’s exceptional support and community.

But We Are Not For Everyone

The clients who come to us want to help heal and transform the planet. They are committed to doing what it takes to grow their client bases and increase their revenues in order to succeed with their mission.

And they want our help to create extraordinary results.

To do that, it takes a certain kind of mindset, and a certain degree of effort. We have found that our most successful clients have certain characteristics:

    • They want to succeed with their dreams. And they are willing to learn the attitudes, knowledge, skills and habits needed to make it happen.
    • They are committed to making a real difference in the world, to benefit the people around them and the planet as a whole.
    • They are not sheepish about wanting to make money to fund their personal, professional and philanthropic goals.
    • They are honest and they have integrity. They do what they say they will do.
    • They are willing to invest in themselves and their business, knowing it’s the best investment of all.
    • They realize that if they want different results, they need to start doing things differently. And they are ready to make that change.

If you think you are one of these people, and really want to optimize your business or practice to create a better life and a legacy, click here to learn more about how we work to help you create these results.

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