Mission Publishin






Congratulations to these members
on their new books,
information products and programs


More than 81 new books, information products and information programs have been authored recently by members, using what they have learned so far in Mission Publishing's mentoring program. Many of these income-generating products and their authors are featured below. The books, information products and information programs serve a variety of target markets and range in price from $3.95 to more than $4,500.00 each. (Other members reported they have authored a work, but have not provided details to us as yet. Have you authored a work like these recently? If it is not listed below, please contact Jill and we will feature you, too.) If you would like more information on anything below, or wish to purchase any of them, please do so by using the contact information provided by the author.


Jeanna Pool

When Your Small Business is YOU Marketing Handbook: Quick and Easy Strategies to Stand Out from the Crowd and Attract Clients Consistantly is a book I authored for solo or independent small business owners who sell a service of some type. It is 236-pages long, sells for $19.95. Without John Eggen’s teaching I never would have: actually written a book, used a book as a tasteful sales letter for my services, known what to put on the cover, known who to hire for title and back cover copywriting, or known how to get testimonials. John’s bi-weekly teleseminars kept me motivated and allowed me to stay on track. Mission Publishing’s results-accelerating system catapulted my writing -- I actually wrote the book in about two long weekends of locking myself in a room. By using John’s simple marketing strategies, in just the first 30-days after I enrolled in the program, I got two new clients and $25,000.00 in income (all before the book was even written).”

Robert Middleton

“I created the Web Site ToolKit and the Action Plan ToolKit; both are multi-media online programs with audio tutorials, transcripts and resources that sell for $79 and $149 with a web site assessment. These online information products help independent professionals, such as consultants, coaches, trainers, financial planners, writers, or web designers, make a difference in their business for a reasonable price. Together, these two products have replaced my consulting and coaching services. Mission Publishing provided the impetus to get it done. In only seven months I generated $85,000 in sales and I received lots of acknowledgement that the ToolKits have really helped people in their business.”

Kristi Stangeland

“I authored Effective Websites for CPAs: Grow Your Practice and Profits, a 177-page hardcover book, to gain credibility with CPAs. Because I’m an author, now I’m closing more sales with higher level clients. My gross income this first quarter is 41% higher than last year at this same time before I published my book. Mission Pulishing’s program gave me: the structure to write the book (checklists/coaching), valuable resources (the Dunns for my cover), and extra support (questions to John/Jill). I recommend following John’s advice and getting quotes for the back matter. It can be very intimidating, but it’s the most important thing that you can do for your book. ”

Jeff Pallister

“To generate high quality leads for my business, I authored Chain Reaction: A Business Novel. The Executive’s Action Plan for Turning Creativity and Teamwork into Sustainable Profits. This 172-page soft-cover book is targeted toward leaders, executives and business owners and is available for $19.95. Mission Publishing’s publishing and mentoring program gave me coaching throughout the book writing process, including a plan for completion and identifying qualified resources for assistance. I’m definitely getting more appointments with quality prospects thanks to the book. ”
  (403) 540-8618

Peter Wallin

“Go for it -- it’s an unbelievable feeling to become a publisehd author. Follow John's steps and you can do it too! I wrote In Pursuit of Business, a 200-page soft-cover book, in 180 days while still operating a full time insurance agency with over 3,000 customers. Thanks to Mission Publishing’s program, I learned how to organize my book writing process and talk to editors and publishers prior to hiring them. In addition to the book, I also produced In Pursuit of Speaking, which is an audio product. They both target small business owners and retailers. With 20 years background in owning and operating a small business, I have developed a deep belief in my two greatest allies: relationship building and networking. I’m eager to share this message with fellow business owners through additional products, ketnote speeches and teleseminars. I’ve already received tangible benefits from authoring a book in my field and in my community. As Mission Publishing teaches, being a published author is the ultimate symbol of expertise. ”

Laura Lowell

“The results of authoring The 42 Rules of Marketing have exceeded my expectations. Within weeks of releasing my book I signed three new clients, my monthly billings have more than doubled, and my per-project rate has increased 25%. Mission Publishing got me started and kept me focussed by providing me with the knowledge of the book publishing process and the elements required to actually write and publish my book on schedule. It was tempting to expand my vision, but keeping things on track and focused was a significant element of my success in the program. My objective for publishing my book was to establish myself as an expert in the field of high-tech marketing, and as a means for generating awareness and leads for my consulting business. The 42 Rules of Marketing is available in several formats: soft-cover book for $19.95, workbooks for $49.95 - $169.95, or keynote presentation for $3,000. I’m also offering The 42 Rules as an e-book, a webinar, and a professional education program through SFSU College of Extended Learning. ”

Paul Rabalais

“Thanks to John and others who contributed to Mission Publishing’s excellent program, my book is in its third printing! Many copies of the book were sold and given away. First 100, then 250, and now 2,000 copies have been printed. I self-published Estate Planning in Louisiana, A Layman’s Guide to Understanding Wills, Trusts, Probate, Power of Attorney, Medicaid, Living Wills & Taxes as a soft cover book with 173 pages for $19.95 to help residents of Louisiana that want to protect their estate. Authoring a book has boosted by credibility with prospects, established me as an expert in my geographic area and has allowed me to increase by revenue for professional services. Mission Publishing’s mentoring program helped me to accomplish this in three ways. First, it gave me the information I needed to create a plan that I knew I could follow through with. Second, it offered me specific resources to complete my project, such as recommendations for layout, cover design, editing, and printing professionals. Third, the course was designed in a way that I received a tremendous amount of information in a short period of time. For example, I could listen to the audio at a time that was convenient for me, and I could review the transcripts of all sessions simply by downloading them. All together, it was a plan to enhance my time management skills and create uninterrupted blocks of time to complete my book. ”

Catherine Wakelin

“I wrote Talk About Anything With Your Kids: An Easy Guide to Great Conversations, as a 234-page self-published soft-cover book for $19.95 which will create a passive income stream to my consultiung and facilitation practice. My book shares how to use the skills of a professional facilitator to dramatically improve communication between parents and their children in grades 1-8. This book is the first in series called Talk about Anything™ with planned future titles including Talk About Anything With Your Students (for teachers) and Talk About Anything With Your Teens (for parents of children 13+). I acknowledge John Eggen for his exceptional program and resources. Mission Publishing’s program taught me all about printing and book production including how to find and work with an editor plus principles of cover copy and design. This book has been published at an accelerated pace because of everything I learned from this top-notch program. It has made all the difference. So far, I have created great interest, grown my list and I expect many tangible benefits to come. My advice to anyone considering authoring a book is get going! Don't worry about getting it right, just get started and finish. It may never be perfect in your eyes, but it can still create great value for others. ”

Valerie Herskowitz

“I authored Autism and Computers: Maximizing Independence Through Technology in 14 months after joining the program and I am already receiving local TV interviews and excerpts in magazines. Mission Publishing’s step-by-step approach was invaluable and their website provided a great deal of information, such as the indexed transcripts of the teleseminars and the accountability group meetings. Authoring a book helped me to create more awareness of my services plus it will help parents, caretakers and professionals who assist individuals with autism. The 149-page soft-cover edition is priced at $13.49 and the hardcover edition is $25.49. My advice to anyone writing a book is to stay focused on your goals. Even if you get off track, redo your plan, handle obstacles in your path, and move on from them.”

Gregg Young

“Within four months of being involved in John's program I authored my book Seventh Sigma Tools: Best Practices in Six Sigma. It is a soft cover, 138-page, perfect bound book priced at $24.95. The enterprise license is planned at $15 per employee and a training price will be $2,000 per employee for one week of training. I had struggled for years to get my message out. Mission Publishing’s program has changed my life.
The program organized my thinking and showed me a proven path that addressed my biggest hurdle – credibility – with a plan. First, was opening my eyes to what could be possible, realizing that a book would be the powerful marketing tool. Second, was the complete library of information and resources to show me how to do it and answer questions along the way. Third, was my accountability partner, who acted as a sounding board and source of insights. Through all of this, opportunities have opened up that I had not considered before. ”

Carrie Silver-Stock

“I created a membership based website, an e-zine and I authored a $12.95, 272-page softcover book entitled The Powder Box Secrets: Seven Tips to Help TeenGirls Achieve Success because I wanted to help teen girls and their parents. I learned that writing a book could help boost my credibility, establish me as an expert in my field, and help drive traffic to my website. I can see the results already. I established a great joint venture connection with Girls, Inc. a national organization based in St. Louis. We are planning a whole series of events for the coming year. Mission Publishing’s program helped me learn how to prioritze and make my vision and dreams come true. The initial assignments on getting clear on our goals and outlining our vision was a critical piece in establishing a strong foundation for my book’s success. Access to the Mission Publishing’s teleseminar series in both written and audio format was extremely beneficial. It was packed full of key pieces of information. I also valued the 90-day goal setting exercise with support from my accountability partner, the group and the coach. I would advise anyone who is considering authoring a book to get clear on what you really want to accomplish and then make that your priority. Even if you only dedicate 15 mintues a day to that goal, do something.”

John Roulet

“If there's one piece of advice I can offer to anyone authoring a book it's this: develop a plan and follow it relentlessly. Mission Publishing provided me with the support, expertise and methodology to help me author my first book, The Supervision Solution: Manage Performance - Not People. This 160-page hardcover book sells for $22.95 and provides business leaders with a powerful, practical and systematic approach to managing staff performance. By authoring a book, I am able to make money, build credibility for my work, and deliver an important message that the market needs.”

John Paredes

“The tangible benefit I have gotten through the Mission Publishing program (besides learning all the aspects of putting a book together) is that I attracted the attention of one person who gave me the kind of work I want to get and will lead to a future direction for my company to grow. It definitely helped with my credibility.

“In just eight months from enrolling in the program I authored The Multi-Demensional Data Modeling Tool Kit: Making Your Business Intelligence Applications Smart Using Oracle OLAP, a soft-cover, 375-page book. The one-on-one calls with John really helped me clarify my title and positioning for the book. My accountability partner gave me lots of advice too.

“I think my book makes an important contribution of the art and practice for multi-dementional analysis. My work will help professionals working in the area of business intelligence, statistics and data mining, including university faculty and students that are teaching in these areas. ”

Susan Victoria Phillips

“My business has increased by 103% while I have been writing my book (before it was even published) because I used the methods John teaches to make money while you are writing it. Putting the book title in my signature line, mentioning it in my monthly newsletter and talking about my writing it at every opportunity created interest. I have had a lot of new activity in my job as a consultant and even more so as an instructor. I have been generating higher-quality leads. Not too shabby from a book that doesn’t even exist yet.

“It appears that my book is much anticipated by home owners, real estate agents, mortgage brokers and home inspectors. The Seductive Power of Home Staging: A Seven-Step System for a Fast and Profitable Sale is a soft-cover, 130-page book for $19.95US, $24.95CAN. It’s been just one year to the day since enrolling in the Mission Publishing Program that my book has been produced.

“Writing the book allows me to reach a larger audience, gives me credibility, and the opportunity to create buzz in a spin-off of audio-books, e-books, workbooks, teleseminars and webinars.

“Thanks to Mission Publishing I learned there is more than one way to get your message across. I shyly sent out draft copies of my manuscript and received overwhelming, glowing endorsements back. One expert was impressed enough to write the forward. ”

Warwick John Fahy

The One Minute Presenter: 8 Steps to Successful Business Presentations in a Short Attention Span World is an eight-step system packed with powerful tips and proven techniques to help business professionals speak with clarity and stand out from the crowd, especially when influencing their teams, customers, investors and vendors. The e-book edition is $15.00 and the hardcover 228-page edition is $24.95. I had not created anything before I joined Mission Publishing's program. I wrote my book in three months and had it designed and printed in another three months.

“My advice to anyone writing a book for the first time? Just get it done. Don’t wait until things are perfect. Take small consistent steps. Mission Publishing's step-by-step approach supported me with valuable teleseminars, tools and regular coaching sessions. I always received a quick response to my questions.

“My long term goal is to create an info-publishing company so that I can turn my know-how and expert insights into information products. By being an author, I've built up an expectation among my network and now have a valuable way to open a dialogue with new prospects. There's even been interest in holding in-house workshops based on the book's content. ”

Tom Northup

“The most tangible benefit of self-publishing my book, Five Hidden Mistakes CEOs Make: How to Unlock the Secrets that Drive Growth and Profitability, is the continuing credibility that being an author has given me. This shows in appointments with my target market, new clients and business. My intention in authoring the book was to leave a legacy, to be seen as an expert across a wide geographic area, to increase revenue, to use it as a stepping stone to my goal of sitting on Boards of Directors, and to use it as a lead for further information products.

“The book's first draft was mostly written when I became aware of Mission Publishing’s program. After joining the program, I was able to publish the book in just three months. It's available on Amazon for $19.95 and features 134 pages, including references, appendices, bibliography and index.

“The best advice Mission Publishing gave, which will have the most long term effects, is the guidelines for covers, back covers, and titles. Also helpful was "About the Author" material and how to structure chapters to make them stand alone.

“My advice to anyone authoring a book is to prepare as much as possible before starting to write. Outline each chapter in detail along with its format and any specific material you want to include. Then follow the Mission Publishing program. Be sure to get book writing in your schedule and use your coach for accountability. Another tip I learned is to write a draft first. Each time you write, don't try to edit what you wrote the last time or you'll never finish. I wrote the first draft and then did an extensive rewrite incorporating all my thoughts which I had saved. At some point stop adding new material – save it for a second book or a next edition. ”

Ord Elliott

“I had no idea how much I didn't know about the publishing process until I joined Mission Publishing's program. I had written two drafts of my book, but it was not focused in a way that would successfully build my business. In addition, I was not clear how to move ahead. The program got me the information to get the job done. My book was written and published in seven months. In retrospect, I could have saved a year of aggravation and effort had I joined earlier.

“My new book, The Future Is Fluid Form: Practical Steps for Designing Flat, Flexible Organizations targets large companies who want to develop fluid form organizations and employ Change Companion Software to facilitate the implementation. The hardcover book is $25.95, the soft-cover book is $15.95, the e-book is $6.00, and the Change Companion software varies by customer contract.

“Becoming a book author has provided the marketing leverage to get my integrated consulting and software business noticed and into the market place. It's opening up opportunities for speaking engagements and meetings with key professionals, CEO's and other executives who can open the door for my product and services. ”

Jamie Broughton

“I just landed my first speaking gig as an author. Essentially the deal was done before I arrived. Since I had forwarded my book cover and table of contents, the meeting with the committee wasn't about whether they would hire me, just about what I'd speak about. It was a $6,000 speaking engagement to fifty CEOs - my perfect target market. As a bonus, they also purchased 50 copies of my book, The Emerging Leader: Identify, Ignite and Retain Your Company's Next Generation of Leaders without it even being printed. I realize this is just the beginning of the exposure and credibility being an author gives me.

“Thanks to being in Mission Publishing's program, the biggest benefit I received was that it stopped me from writing my originally planned book! It would have been written for the wrong audience - emerging leaders - and not the senior leaders that hire me. Mission Publishing also provided me with an exceptional list of trusted vendors to help me produce my book, including resources and marketing ideas.

“Anyone considering authoring a book would do well to spend time up front determining the intentions of the product and being crystal clear on your target market. Create a strong support network and hire a team. Don't do it alone. ”

George Wissing

“I appeared on TV, I met "The Mad Russian" at his office in Massachusetts, and I have a productive buddy partnership with an MD thanks to becoming a book author. In Stop Smoking for the Last Time: You Can Unlock the Power to Quit Struggle-Free, a 200-page soft-cover book, I share my expertise and unique views as an expert in the field of smoking cessation. The book retails for $17.95 and it has boosted my credibility and helped me to generate new clients. My complete breakthrough smoking cessation system includes over 20 no-weight-gain strategies, new tools to deal with stress after quitting, and a bonus online hypnosis session for added support. It also reveals myths about willpower and nicotine addiction along with information every smoker needs to know to quit and never look back. Mission Publishing’s complete book authoring system helped me to refocus my strategy from being a writer to an investor. Setting parameters on the number of chapters and words per chapter made writing the book more manageable. Writing the back cover copy first helped me to make the goals of the book much clearer from the start. I would advise anyone considering to write a book to use John’s technique of writing the back cover with features and benefits then break up the project into 10 to 12 interesting chapter titles (which may all be past working titles of the book as the project evolves). As John recommends, let the working title drive the project but let the marketplace pick the final title.”

Patricia Cliff

“I can already see the benefits of authoring a book -- my consultancy fees are up 10% and I have two new potential clients. Pure Growth for Reflexologists: A Holistic Approach to Growing Your Business Based on Your Values is a 192-page soft-cover book for reflexologists. I created this product to boost credibility and generate high-quality leads. It’s part of a series of books and information products that I plan to create. Thanks to Mission Publishing’s program, I’ve been able to turn a dream into a goal-driven reality. The coaching program especially helped to keep me on track, and the referral contacts I received helped to ensure that my series titles and subtitles were just right. Don’t give up on your dream of authoring a book – keep going, get help and see your work through to completion. It’s worth it.”

Stephen Moulton

“For over ten years I have tried to write a book to position me as an expert and to boost my credibility. As a marketing tool, my book would promote my business and help me gain access to healthcare executives so I could offer them software, training programs and other information products. Yet, the question I posed every time was how do I get a CEO or senior executive to read my book and learn how to stack the leader selection process in their favor?

“Hence, I chose to create a story format book incorporating the hero's journey. Once I made this choice it was really easy. The CEO's Advantage - 7 Keys for Hiring Extraordinary Leaders, 144 pages, is available in hardcover for $24.95 and soft-cover for $17.95. I'm planning the second book now.

“I believe a key factor in picking up a new client was the book being noted in my e-mail. Mission Publishing provided me with this idea and many other valuable insights to create and market my book -- how to add a call to action and back matter, how to generate and test potential book titles, and how develop the front and back cover.

“Be focused and disciplined in following the steps of creating a book. Don't be afraid to let your thoughts flow forth. If you schedule time and write without a need to be perfect you can get some great ideas on paper and refine them later.”

Don Burnstine

STOP Organization-itis™ - How to resolve workplace contention, often in as little as 30 minutes, is a 200-page soft-cover book that represents a small part of a total system I have created to resolve Organization-itis™. This has been my life's work, studying and creating ways to improve how business and organizations work for middle and senior management. Now that I'm an author, people view me with a different kind of respect.

“Mission Publishing and the coaching program really helped me to get the early manuscript right, including the title, subtitle and cover design. I'd advise anyone authoring a book to hang in there and use your coach. ”

Shannon Walker-Lembke

“A book was the best way to get out information that I found women entrepreneurs and other businesswomen were missing when it came to making decisions about online marketing. With a book, I could leverage the credibility associated with being an author to get more clients and produce other information products.

Online Marketing for Women in Business: Take Your Business Online Without Getting Taken is a $24.95 soft-cover book with 120 pages and 12 downloadable online bonuses. I've received new projects that I can directly attribute to the book and I'm getting more inquiries from my business web site.

Mission Publishing’s mentoring program provided me with publishing nuts and bolts information or the resources to find it. The teleseminar series, initial goal planning, and accountability partner were the combination or resources that were right for me. Others may find the group coaching and one-on-one sessions are what they need. “Try it” would be my advice to anyone beginning to author their book or information product. ”

Meg Benedicte

“I created a meditation CD to aid my clients with their personal transformation in-between sessions. Subsequently, the CD helped to establish my credibility as an expert, grow my brand in my target market, magnetize new clients and increase passive income. Now I offer an entire range of information products, including:
  • Single CD, The Unified Field Vortex Meditation, a unique, transformative meditation technique developed and guided by Meg Benedicte.
  • Membership Website Program, www.soulfulservices.com, offers subscribers personal communication in blogs and tips, monthly Vortex Meditation Teleclass/Webcast, access to the audio archive library, access to Members-Only Community Message Board and discounts on private coaching sessions.
  • Monthly E-Newsletters offer up-to-date ascension news alerts and informative articles on spiritual growth.
  • Private coaching sessions and apprenticeship training in Meg's proprietary healing technique, Unified Field Therapy®
“Within three months of publishing the CD and going "live" with a new membership website, I have increased my email list by 150 names and worked privately with at least 25 new clients in US/Europe/Canada. I appreciate Mission Publishing for clearly defining how the book publishing system works, providing resources to implement the system, and offering me coaching support.”

Margaret Munoz

“With the seven new sources of income for my business, I’ve already generated new clients and given former clients a reason to do business with me again.
  • Book (and eBook version),$25 - Create Prosperity: A Guided Journey, 280 pages.
  • Create Prosperity Members' Programme, $199 (annual) - consists of a workbook, teleclasses, downloadable visualisation, forum and other resources.
  • Create Prosperity Mentoring Programme, $899 - consists of 12 weekly half hour telephone sessions, Create Prosperity Membership Programme and e-book versions of my two books.
  • Teleclasses, $19 – interactive teleclasses on topics from the book.
  • Create Prosperity Visualisation Series, $19 (MP3 downloads) - Live Your Dream, Live With Gratitude, Stop Procrastinating and Take Action!. 20 minute guided visualisations.
  • Monthly e-zine, free.
“Each of these information products is available through my website. I have created the basis of a global information empire which allows me to express my creativity, boosts my credibility as an expert (now the author of TWO books) and allows me more room to create joint ventures and strategic alliances. I now have a better business model than one-on-one consulting. Thanks to Mission Publishing, I have the knowledge to expand my information empire and I don’t have to reinvent the wheel. Especially helpful was using John's formula of stating the problems and then describing how the book was going to give the solution.”

Howard Bono

“Money is a difficult topic for people in our society. I authored The Money Thing Made Easy: A Why Didn’t I Know This Sooner Guide for Singles, Couples and Families to help people in working America spend smart, dump debt and finally put some money away. The book has 132 pages and lists for $14.95. Since writing the book, the whole thing has taken on a life of it's own. The book isn’t even out yet, but it got some media attention which has brought in over $30,000 in new business. Mission Publishing’s program helped me to stay focused and put my information down on paper. They also assisted me when I got stuck and put me in contact with people to design my cover. I believe my book will help anyone who reads it and applies the strategies. I made it easy so people can get results. ”

Jo Ann Rotermund

“I wrote my book in 30 days of joining the program. I am now working with an editor on the second draft of my 150-page softcover book Live Every Moment in Freedom and Joy: The Amazing Power of Forgiveness. Also planned for publication is an e-book edition, a companion CD, an audio book and a downloadable digital audio product featuring forgiveness exercises. The vision of my organization, World Forgiveness Initiative (WFI), is to cause the radical transformation of people, communities and the world through a bold new model of forgiveness. Mission Publishing’s mentoring program is absolutely outstanding and provides members with so much valuable information and support. All I have to do is study the material and work with it. Thank you, John. The biggest benefit by far is just getting a book written and the new level of respect that people show when we say we have written a book. I know with absolute certainty that without Mission Publishing’s program I would still be trying to write Chapter 1 (which is where I would have started). The information and support on self-publishing has been invaluable. I have especially enjoyed coaching from head coach Lorna and working with a superb accountability partner. ”

Amanda Murphy

“I launched Mission Incorporated: Create Raving Fans by Incorporating Your Mission into Your Business as a coaching program for self-employed professionals in helping or creative service industries, such as coaches, designers, writers, artists, consultants, etc. The three month program is $275 per month and includes: six 90-minute group classes, six 30-minute one-on-one coaching sessions, and up to 12 hours of buddy teamwork. Mission Publishing’s program helped by educating me on positioning and packaging the offer, giving me marketing strategies for promoting the offer, and giving me the motivation to expand beyond what I was offering before. I have received great word-of-mouth referrals from the success of this program with many participants promoting it to their friends and colleagues - in just four months, 14 new clients enrolled generating about $11,000 in revenue. I also recorded an entire three-month session of the program to transcribe and sell as an audio product, plus, I have been asked to speak locally about the program content.”

Barbara Bouchet

“My book, Ignite the Power of You: Master the Impact You Have on Those You Lead, is a resource for business executives. My workshop and its 90-page participant guide, The Contact-Zone™: Expand Your Personal Leadership Power, is designed for corporate leaders. It shows executives how to communicate with emotional intelligence in order to generate high performing teams. This workshop is now being represented by several national distributors. My booklet, Expand Your Personal Power in the Contact-Zone™ outlines how to improve workplace relationship skills and is for sale as a promotional product for organizations that want to be associated with a high value information product. I have also recently joined a confederation of highly experienced sales people, trainers, coaches and consultants poised to bring high level business solutions to corporations. Mission Publishing provided a huge volume of information including a complete Home Study Course, live teleseminars, and a personal accountability partner. I do not know how I would have gathered this valuable information together in any other way and in such a short time. This program has supported my development as an author and helped me leverage more creative and financially lucrative opportunities.”

Lorna McLeod

“I authored a book entitled The Grant Readiness Guide: 11 Keys to Unlock Your Funding Potential, and a workbook entitled The Grant Readiness Workbook: 11 Keys to Unlock Your Funding Potential. Both products are for people who want to create a successful non-profit organization that is fully eligible for funding - from a newly forming organization to one that is struggling and needs to become more professional to attract more funding opportunities. Mission Publishing’s publishing and marketing mentoring program provided me with the encouragement to get the first draft out and onto paper, plus the organizational tools, and information about selecting professionals to assist with the book, such as cover design and other technical information. Using what I learned in the program, I doubled my income, and then doubled it again! My having written a book about "unlocking funding potential" intrigues leaders of small businesses to realize they need to get their businesses into better condition so they can attract funding and other resources available to them, so that they can attract more and better clients/customers.”

Darwin Gillett

NOBLE ENTERPRISE: The Commonsense Guide to Uplifting People and Profits, the soft-cover, 232-page book priced at $15.95, is based on the vision I want to share with business leaders -- there’s a better way to do business and create a sustainable competive advantage. My goals for writing this is book are to establish me as an authority in revitalizing companies, as the creator of a new business model that serves people and profits, to generate demand for my leadership seminars, and to stimulate consulting and coaching assignments.

Even before the book came out, I was invited to speak and present seminars because I promoted my forthcoming book the way Mission’s program taught me. Following John’s approach, I attracted more than 20 testimonials for the book as well as a publisher. The book has repositioned me as a leadership expert and is opening high level doors. The Mission Publishing program gave me the confidence and overall guidance for how to get my book done from the beginning to the end - plus resources for specific help. John’s program equipped me to finally get my life’s work into a book and out into the world in a way that will facilitate its success. If you truly desire to get your book out, you will, especially if you follow John's guidelines.

Jacquie Hale

“In 90-days, I authored a 192-page book and e-book entitled Serenity is an Inside Job: How to Relieve Stress and Reclaim Your Life. Both of these books sell for $15.00 eac. During the 90-days I had set as my writing goal, Mission Publishing’s mentoring program: helped me to do a better job of defining my target audience; partnered me with another member in the program to allow me to stay focused; and helped me to stay on target by providing interaction with other writers in the program during weekly teleconferences. One of the biggest benefits I have received by authoring a book is feeling a greater sense of credibility when I approach someone I want to collaborate with.”

Bonnie Dell & Marty MacPhail

“To help home owners and real estate agents/brokers prepare homes for the resale market, we developed the Do-It-Yourself Home Staging Kit: Sell Your House Faster For the Money You Want in two formats: a CD-ROM version currently available for $70, and a 3-ring binder version available. We also created the DVD product Spring Into Action: Maximize Your Home's Value. Our recently developed teleseminars and e-zine entitled Design StyleTaste For Your Home are available at no cost. Mission Publishing’s program helped us refine our writing skills and writing style so our writing is far more ‘benefits-oriented’ than it was before we began the program with John. Now we are viewed as being ‘in a different league than the competition’ and real estate brokerages are more willing to give us time to make presentations at their group meetings. Even some of our competitors are interested in distributing our products. Mission Publishing’s Program has made the dream of “writing a book” become a reality!”

Yolande Korsten

“While participating in the mentoring program I have authored/published: a weekly newsletter and a monthly e-magazine for the Astrological Society of South Africa (ASSA) which resulted in increasing the association’s membership by 100%; a members-only website for ASSA, including converting their monthly meeting audio files/transcripts into information products; and articles to supply content for several websites, subscription services and article directories, with such titles as Taking the Plunge – Snow Skiing Tips for the Unitiated, and 29 Degrees Anaretic – Exploring a Karmic Conundrum. Mission Publishing has given me the confidence to share my knowledge with others and has helped me overcome the major stumbling block of where to start when identifying my target markets. By writing short articles on a regular basis I’ve increased my monthly income three-fold and I’m building a treasure trove of ideas and material that will lead me to authoring my first book. John Eggen’s practical time-tested systems have made goals that once seemed like pipe-dreams now become a reality for me.”

David Scarlett

“I authored a 260-page business/financial novel entitled The Soul Millionaire that will be marketed first as an e-book. This rags to riches tale of financial enlightenment is targeted for middle to higher income professionals who have a sense of mission, want to make a difference, and are seeking to get out of the 40-year work and debt trap. With Mission Publishing’s help I was able to review my initial lack of research, question my purpose, and see how I could convert my book into other information products.”

Steve Mezak

“I have received a tremendous boost in self-confidence from achieving my goal of writing a book. Software Without Borders: A Step-By-Step Guide to Outsourcing Your Software Development is 320 pages in length and will be available in two formats - a hardcover edition for $39.99 and an e-book version for $23.99. I wrote this book to help executives, programmers and product developers understand the forces of outsourcing and how it will affect their careers. Specific methods, processes and checklists are provided so the reader can decide if outsourcing of software is right for their company. My wish is that this book gives a new perspective on the global resources available and how to use them effectively. Mission Publishing's program helped me by teaching a systematic approach to the publishing process. I was given referrals to high-quality professionals for help with editing and layout, plus the mentoring program provides tremendous support and motivation to complete the book while running a business and dealing with life issues at the same time. My advice to those who are just beginning to author their book is to hire others to help you as much as you can afford. Working with professionals will keep you motivated to complete the book and create a better product.”

Laura Cardone

Motivation at Work: Your Six Step Workplace Transformation Guide; is a comprehensive 188-page electronic manual that I authored to help small business owners feed their spirit and their bottom line. It’s a consultant in a box system to help business owners attract more ideal customers and create an ideal workplace. It provides the tools needed to create a business community where work has more meaning, managers and employees are inspired to succeed together and people look forward to coming to work. Mission Publishing’s program benefited me in so many areas while creating this system. Without the marketing and publishing strategies and the coaching support I received from John and his team of experts, I simply would not have finished my manual and I’d still be stuck in the traditional ‘trading your hours for dollars’ work model that limits earning potential and promotes long hours plus an imbalanced lifestyle. I was able to generate an additional $150,000.00 in new business just by using a few of the no-cost marketing strategies John taught me, and that was before I even finished the first draft of my manual. In seven months, while still managing a fulltime client load, I created a complete six-step system that includes: a detailed manual, employee surveys, over 60 specific strategies to improve workplace performance, leadership development tools, templates, and project checklists to help my clients get the results they want faster. It sells online for $197.00 and is one of the many evolving products that enable me to create a business with multiple streams of passive income. Thank you to John and his team for helping me realize my dreams.”

Patricia Cliff

“I co-authored two books and information products that will be available in the next year: Succeeding with Hypnosis: The Professional's Guide to Growing a Practice, a book co-authored with Deborah Marshall-Warren; and MS Symptom Relief: Empowering Techniques to Enhance Your Quality of Life, a book co-authored with Linda Elias which has accompanying DVD and CDs. One of the biggest tangible benefits I have received from the mentoring program has been the number of 'doors' that have opened when I mention that I am authoring a book -- meetings with real decision makers, joint ventures with other experts, and new opportunities for friendship and business relationships. Becoming a book author has allowed me to step back, realign and become really clear about how my business reflects my values and vision. Now I am creating marketing material that reflects who I truly am and it is attracting the type of clients that I really would like to work with, including four new clients.”

Minesh Baxi

“With Mission Publishing’s help in developing titles and marketing, I authored three 36-page booklets that immediately helped me to gain greater credibility and higher attendances at my seminars. Establishing myself as an expert and focusing on Mission Publishing’s Book Authoring Timeline gave me the confidence to author my first book. Network Your Way to $100,000 and Beyond is a 208-page soft cover book for business owners and professionals that is currently available for $19.95 through Lulu.com and also available through Amazon.com. Mission Publishing’s program helped me to get organized and know what steps are required to complete the book. As a member, I had access to resources that helped me to get the job done quickly. Plus, it taught me step-by-step how to write, publish and promote my own book, including how to develop my book’s cover and get endorsement style comments. I could not have done all of this without John Eggen’s mentoring and coaching program. Now that I am a book author, I receive great joint venture and publishing opportunities through people with much larger reach than myself.”

Pam Chubbuck, PhD

“I have authored a spiritual story book for young children and adults entitled Welcome to the World: How and Why You Came to Earth. This soft-cover, 44-page book is currently available and sells for $11.95. I have also re-developed two videos to create a new $65.00 DVD product entitled Say Yes to Life! Grounding and Loving Your Body & Expressing Your Emotions and Opening Your Core. My DVD consists of two, one-hour Core Energetics Exercise classes that I call Psycho-Spiritual Exercise. I plan to author my next book, Passages to Womanhood: Empowering Girls to Love Themselves, very soon. Mission Publishing’s program provided the inspiration to complete my projects and also provided me with technical help on how to write back matter and such. I not only had fun doing them, but now I have greater authority in my field.”

Jack Snader

onTrack® is a home study system I created consisting of the following components: behavioral assessments, workbooks, mini-books, an audio learning program, subscription consulting, coaching, mentoring, plus a special Web-based development tracking system. The onTrack® system, that sells for over $4,500.00, is helpful to managers of any kind and guarantees that an individual will change and perform better in the job. We have tested the system and it does produce behavior change resulting in significant, measurable financial improvement to a company. Participating in Mission Publishing’s mentor process caused me to change my focus on the purpose of authoring a book and how to use my book to help market and support the sale of the onTrack® system. I also learned how to reduce the time to develop the book and link my book and system more closely together. Thanks to the program we have established ourselves as being different from "training" companies that conduct wonderful training but do not result in behavior change."

Mike Hayden

“In 90 days I authored two books: a workbook for success-oriented executives, managers, employees and entrepreneurs called The Ultimate Career Builder: The Book Your Boss Wants You to Read, and Organizing Your Business for Success. For only $147 I provide readers with thousands of dollars worth of value with an easy-to-use workbook system that shows you how to build your company for success, plus unlimited email support for questions, a one-year money-back guarantee, and up to one hour of personalized telephone support at no extra charge. Mission Publishing’s program helped me with my book’s back cover copy and I received much value from the program’s Home Study Course, the teleseminars, and the mastermind teleconferences.”

Inez Ng

“I developed The Excellent Manager Teleseminar: Productivity Strategies So You and Your Team Get the Right Things Done the Right Way for managers in corporations who are under stress by the long hours they put in and frustrated by their lack of productivity. Mission Publishing’s mentoring program taught me the process for creating this information product and shared resources with me to learn how to produce audio products. In addition, they provided an accountability system for me to accomplish my goals.”

Sharon Duvall and Jaymi Garvett

“We authored a book to help parents of AD/HD children: If You Could Harness All That Energy: A Parent's Guide to AD/HD Coaching and Down-To-Earth Strategies to Boost Your Child's Self-Esteem & Success. Mission Publishing’s publishing and marketing mentoring program taught us the importance of targeting a specific market and how to organize writing our books using a notebook system. We valued all the experts on John’s team who were introduced as guest speakers during the teleseminars.”

Susan Daffron

“I co-authored a book entitled Vegan Success - Scrumptious, Healthy Vegan Recipes for Busy People for vegetarians, or anyone interested in healthy eating, who are looking for easy recipes they can make quickly. As vegans ourselves, we wrote this 200-page book to answer the question ‘what do you eat?’ Many people seem to think that healthy eating and vegetarian cooking is difficult, but this book shows you that it doesn't have to be. You can create tasty meals without spending hours chopping. Mission Publishing’s publishing and marketing mentoring program gave us feedback and advice on the book’s cover design, gave us assistance on good title selection and taught us how to market books outside the traditional ‘bookstore’ model. We have already received a lot of positive feedback from people who can't wait for the book to be published.”

Tolu Adeleye

“I co-authored a book with my consulting partner F. David Webster, entitled Stay Sane Through Change: How to Rise Above the Challenges of Life's Complex Transitions. This book is helpful to anyone passing through transitions in their family and/or career. Our target market also includes organizations or professionals who serve people going through life transitions. This 344-page book sells for $16.99. Mission Publishing’s program helped me to focus on this project. The topics covered during the teleseminars and their Members-Only Web site are great resources that guided me on the many "how-to’s" of the book authoring process. I also received great support and motivation towards achieving my goals through the discussion forums and the accountability support during the 90-Day Results-Accelerating System. If you plan to author your own book, plug in to the support system of John Eggen's team and that of fellow members of the program and make the best use of the opportunity.”

Chuck Groot

“I felt it was time that a book is written for prospective photographers, who traditionally are more oriented to creativity than business, to help them avoid the obvious new business failure traps. Photography: The Art of Success is a guide that leads the way through each step of creating, starting, organizing, maintaining, and marketing a profitable photography business. Mission Publishing’s program provided me with the encouragement, tools, templates and specialized marketing ideas necessary to branch into an untapped area of my life. What I have found is that people look at you differently when you have written a book. Being regarded as an expert in my field has provided me with keynote speaking engagements and a new found level of prestige. In addition to writing a book, I have developed an e-book, special reports, white papers, newsletters, e-zines, professional education programs, a website with downloadable digital and audio products, plus a $99.95 home study program with six CDs.”

Deborah Baker-Receniello

“I authored Play a Bigger Game: Cutting Edge Strategies to Design & Grow Your Small Business, a 200-page book for entrepreneurs and small business owners. John Eggen's expert knowledge, caring and mentoring just put me over the edge. He has lived this process and has an expert team. The greatest tools for me were the ‘How to Author Your Book in 90, 180 or 365 Days’ featuring 17 items to complete your book plus a time blocking schedule, and the 90-day results-accelerating system that enhanced my progress. Because of the program I now have a better understanding of my mission/purpose and that inspires me each day. I already have one speaking engagement to an association and an opportunity to work with the International Meridian Therapy School Director for workshops with their students on setting up their business. If you are thinking about writing a book, my advice to you is to learn all of what John has to offer.”

Kelli Richards

“I authored a 250-page book with a bonus DVD entitled The Art of Digital Music: 56 Visionary Artists & Insiders Reveal their Creative Secrets to target the music industry, musicians, music fans, and students studying the music business, music technology or music creation. Since its release my book has already helped me to gain higher caliber clientele, more speaking engagements, and increased credibility among my peers and client prospects. Mission Publishing’s program taught me how to use simple strategies, such as mentioning the book in my email signature line, provided details about the title and back cover, and helped me to start thinking of this book as the beginning of an information empire with the book as the cornerstone pivot. If you plan to author a book, be sure you have defined carefully the target market for your book and then go after them using all the tools John teaches in the program.”

Dr. Kenneth Cohn

“I authored a book entitled Building a Culture of Collaboration in Healthcare: A Pathway Toward Improved Financial and Clinical Outcome to target the thousands executives in the healthcare industry. My book is about changes in healthcare that give hope to healthcare professionals and help them reconnect with the values that attracted them to this industry in the first place. Mission Publishing partnered me with another member in the Program to help me focus my efforts and gave me a list of helpful publishing experts. I found John’s prepared talks and availability regarding marketing questions very insightful and his system was comforting. Because of authoring my book, I have already received speaking engagements at national meetings, increased credibility for my firm, and offers to participate in other writing projects.”

Kim Olver

Leveraging Diversity at Work: How to Hire, Retain and Inspire a Diverse Workforce for Peak Performance and Profit is a book I authored to help corporations, business leaders and diversity organizations. This book sells for $19.95. Mission Publishing’s program provided a simple method and time table for authoring a book, educated me on the self-publishing process which previously I knew nothing about, and provided me with expert referrals. Because of the book, I have already been invited to be on a diversity task force for integrating immigrants into work settings. Without this program, I wouldn’t be able to call myself an author. It took the mystery out of the book writing and self-publishing process.”

Kendall SummerHawk

“I authored a book for women entrepreneurs entitled Brilliance Unbridled. It is available for purchase and sells for $14.00. Mission Publishing provided me with the resources and the knowledge on how to put the book together. I wouldn’t have gotten my book done without their program! If you are thinking about authoring a book or information product write down all the specific steps involved and set due dates for each step. Even when it all seems overwhelming, this will keep you going.”

Dave DeWalt

“I authored a special report for food manufacturers entitled Industry Guide to Redistribution. This report is priced at $695.00 and is available to purchase. Mission Publishing provided the inspiration for me to create this product that will help to position me as an expert and stimulate demand for my consulting services. So far it has been great PR for me. If you are thinking about authoring a book or information product, my advice to you is to just stick with it.”

Jeanne Lyons

“I created 21 information products for independent professional start-up businesses and holistic healthcare practices. Each product originally “aired” as a subscription teleseminar series and now can be bundled in different ways: as a single audio program on a CD or electronic file, as a transcript, or as a customized/individualized audio learning program. I currently deliver the content of various programs as a keynote speaker and I plan to author a book once this teleseminar series is complete. In addition, I am exploring out-licensing opportunities for business building/practice building. Mission Publishing’s publishing and marketing mentoring program helped me to maintain momentum and they provided resources, coaching and expertise in the processes of developing and marketing information products. I already have great alliances with other experts and clients are beginning to seek me out rather than vice-versa.”

After more than 20 years of helping independent professionals and experts become recognized leaders in their fields, I have condensed this system into seven easy steps, and turned it into a new, free special report called:

"Seven Steps to Author a Book That Attracts a Lifelong Stream of Clients"

Use what you will learn by reading this report to attract more clients, increase your income significantly, and take your practice or business to a whole new level of service and profitability.

Make no mistake about it. This report outlines strategies and secrets my team and I have used with clients for more than 20 years to get all the life-transforming and business-transforming results you have read about in the client letters and other areas of this web site.


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© copyright 2003, John Robert Eggen